Leading a Family Devotion & Samples


  • Determine what days & times you will have Family Devotions
  • Choose the same days & times if at all possible
  • Determine what devotional material to use (For example, "Portals of Prayer" or a child's devotional book or Bible storybook).  If you have a Bible Storybook, let children take turns selecting the Bible story (For Example, Johnny will select a Bible story one night and Sally will select a Bible story on a different night).

Sharing Highs and Lows

  • Family devotional leader shares the best thing that happened to him or her today or what he or she is grateful for.  Then the leader shares one thing that was disappointing to him or her today or one thing that made them sad.
  • Ask children what was the best thing that happened to them today or what they are grateful for.
  • Then ask what was the most disappointing thing that happened to them today or something that made them sad.
  • Then Pray, thanking God for the good things that happened and for help with the disappointing or sad things.
  • Sample Prayer:
    • "Dear God, t5hank you that Johnny made a new friend at school today.  Thank you that Sally could play at susie's house today.  Dear God, Johnny and Sally are really worried about the big test they have at school tomorrow. Please let them know that you will be with them and help them do well on their tests tomorrow.  In the name of Jesus, we pray."

Samples of Family Devotions

  • "Portals of Prayer"
  • "Children's Devotional Book or Bible Storybook, highs and lows, and prayer.

"Portals of Prayer"  Order of family worship (Aug 8, 2021)

  • Leader:   In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
  • All:           Amen
  • The Scripture Reading - Read Isaiah 44:1-8
  • The Meditation - The Devotional Reading for the Day - "Offensive Claims"
  • The Prayer (at the bottom of the page for the devotional reading for the day).
  • The Lord's Prayer - printed out in the "Portals of Prayer" Order of Family Worship
  • (Can have special prayers for self and others if so desired)
  • Leader:     Let us bless the Lord
  • All:             Thanks be to God
  • Leader:      The almighty and merciful God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless us and keep us.
  • All:              Amen

Suggested Order of Family Worship with Children Present

  • Read a story from the Children Devotional Booklet or from the Children Bible Storybook
  • Do Highs and Lows 
  • Do Lord's Prayer
  • (Can have special prayers for family and others if so desired)
  • (Note: Can open or close Family Worship with a Children Bible Song if so desired)

Sample "Highs and Lows" Prayer

Dear God, thank you for blessing (list the person's name) this week in a joyful and special way.  Lord, you know that (list person's name) was also disappointed or sad this week as well.  Please help (list person's name) and please take away his disappointment or sadness.  In Jesus' name we pray.
