Hope Happenings

Welcome to Hope Lutheran Church

A Hospital for Sinners

The first time you visit you are our guest, after that you are family!

Download the most recent print version of 

Hope Happenings handout Here.

Congratualtions to Cory and Kay. Today is their Wedding Day!!
Happy Birthday to Loretta M on July 23rd!!
Happy Birthday to Rodger N. on July 23rd!!

Today is Praise Sunday. Please share any praise reports you have.

In Need?

if you need something, in addition to  prayers, feel free to contact either Pastor or Kristen. Pastor can be reached at kiltedrev@yahoo.com or at 716-957-0470 (have texting capability) and Kristen can be reached at knelsonmckenzie@gmail.com or at 716-957-0469 (has texting capability).

Sunday Worship Service - What to expect

There will be no Bible Study following fellowship hour today.  Please enjoy this time celebrating with Pastor Pat. 

Most Sunday's we we take a deeper dive into the appointed Sunday Worship Service Lessons and Gospel. This Adult Bible Class will follow fellowship. Please come join us, as we expand our understanding of these important lessons from God's Word! 

From Pastor Pat's Desk:

Pastor can be reached at kiltedrev@yahoo.com or at 716-957-0470 (have texting capability)  

Kristen can be reached at knelsonmckenzie@gmail.com or at 716-957-0469 (has texting capability). 

Don’t forget we still have a basket for food in the Narthex for families in need helped by LSS.

Coming Events (See the Calendar):

1. Watch for more information about Family Promise and how we can help by Sponsoring Dinners for a week, later in the fall.  (Coralee will tell you all about it during the announcements today.)  

2. Wednesday Men's Bible Study:  Please join the men of Hope at 10 AM on Wednesdays.

3.  Wednesday Bible Study:  Please join us as on Wednesdays at 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  We will watch and then discuss in detail various portions of The Chosen Season 4 episodes.  You don't need to have watch season 4 episodes to participate, we'll show and share!  Find out more here 

4. Let's all meet in our Hope Intergenerational Neighborhood and have some fun.  Join us for fellowship over dinner and then fun around the table from July 29 - Aug1 starting at 5:30. Take a stroll through Hope's villages and meet Mr Rogers.  Intergenerational means "all ages' so EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Please sign up in the narthex by the little village- BUT- watch that village G-R-O-W!    More info at www.neighbor.hopejax.org

5. We will be celebrating “Teacher’s Appreciation Sunday” on August 25th.  Please thank all those who have taught or are now teaching our children. 

6. Lutheran Hour Ministries Outreach training is scheduled for Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Holy Cross Lutheran Church on Arlington Expressway. Please let Pastor know, if you would like to participate

Bible Study: 

Men of Hope

The Men’s Bible Study Men’s Bible Study meets on Wednesdays, at 10:00am. . We welcome all men of Hope, family and friends. 

Come join our Bible Study and take part in our lively discussions about the Scriptures and how these studies are related to our lives and faith. 

Life Study - open to all

Wednesday Life Study is held on Wednesdays at 11:30 to 12:30 PM.  We continue our study of "The Chosen", Season 4. Please plan to attend and bring family and friends. 

“Women’s Bible Study” lead by Kristen each Saturday evening at 6:30pm via Zoom.  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86994056074

Have Hurts, habits, or hang-ups?  Try Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery:

is a 12-Step fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope.

meets at Hope every Saturday morning from 9:00am to 11:00am. 

Find more information here.

In Need?

As always, if you need something, in addition to  prayers, feel free to contact either Pastor or Kristen. 

Pastor can be reached at kiltedrev@yahoo.com or at 716-957-0470 (have texting capability) 

Kristen can be reached at knelsonmckenzie@gmail.com or at 716-957-0469 (has texting capability).  

Current Budget

Please continue to place your offerings in the donation box at the rear of the church. 
Donations Through July 20th
Income MTD        $   5,770.26
Income YTD            71,998.35
Budget Expenses $ 80.,353.00
Thank you to our all our members and guests for your faithful giving!   

Opportunities to Serve:  

Use our convenient on-line volunteer scheduling service here

Maintenance Help Needed

We are looking for someone to do light maintenance duties.  If interested, see Daryl Siewert.


Cleaning Help Needed

Sign up to help Clean the church at the front counter.  We need your help.  Gather a Team and sign up now.

If you need more information or supplies,  please. contact 

July 27th
Aug 3rd
Aug 10th
Aug 17th
Aug 24th

Worship Assistance

Readers are needed for upcoming church services.   

Sign up in the narthex on the front counter.

Date          Readers 
July 21st
July 28th
Aug 4th 
Aug 18th
Aug 25th

Hope Happy Hour 

Hope’s Happy Hour and Fellowship before the Bible Study Class will include prepared food on the second and fourth Sunday with snacks the other Sundays.  Please consider sponsoring a Sunday for $25 or team up with someone to prepare and serve. 

Signup sheet for Happy Hour is in Narthex

Date            Hope’s Happy Hour
July 21st                                  Inreach
July 28th                                  Bev/George donation
Aug 4th                                    Inreach
Aug 18th                                  Inreach
Aug 25th

Guest Information

If you do not have a church home. Please consider joining us at Hope.  We would be glad to have you as a part of God’s family. Introduce yourself to Pastor Pat or one of the elders. You can become a member of Hope by one of:  

  • *Baptism" (for infants and children who have never been baptized); 
  • Attending a new member class (this is an adult class for those who want to learn about the Lutheran Church.)
  • Transferring from another Lutheran Church Missouri Synod member church

Ways to help Hope raise funds


Make a one time contribution or increase your regular scheduled tithing

Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House

Collect your pop tabs from your cans

to donate to the Ronald McDonald House.

Collection containers are in the kitchen.
