Lutheran Radio

An outreach ministry of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Jacksonville, Florida. Our Internet radio station features an all-Lutheran format of devotions, sermons, Bible studies, podcasts, and music 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

FLGA Missions Prayer Guide

Download December Prayer Guide

Download November Prayer Guide

REFRAIN: Let’s be a District fueled by prayer.

Here is the District webpage with our prayer resources:

The Chosen

The Chosen is a highly acclaimed superb multi-season video series depicting Jesus' life as told by those who walk the land around Jerusalem 2000 years ago. What's most amazing is that this project is entirely "crowd funded".  It is free to watch and people who love the show "pay it forward" so that others can experience Jesus as likely was we He walked this earth.  The Lord is truly guiding Dallas Jenkins the director who conceived the show and with God's help made it happen.    

Concordia Publishing House 

  • "Portals of Prayer" - Individual and family devotions - quarterly publication
  • "Portals of Prayers for Kids" - Children's Devotional
  • Loved Devotions for Teens by Teens - Teenage Devotional
  • "Time of Grace" - Mark Jeske Adult Devotional
  • "A Child's Garden of Prayer" - Young Children Prayer Book
  • "Time to Pray - Daily Prayers for Youth" - Teenage Prayer Book
  • "Blessings and Prayers for Women" - Women's Prayer Book
  • "Blessings and Prayers for Men" - Men's Prayer Book
  • "My First Bible Storybook" - Children Book
  • "The Growing in Faith Bible Storybook" - Children Book


  • "The Very Best Hands-On Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions" - Tim Shoemaker, Family Devotions
  • "Climb: A One Year Devotional for Teens and Young Adults - Ruth Chesney, Teens and Young Adult Devotional
  • "God's Blessing Day By Day:  My Daily Devotional for Kids" - Johnny Hunt & Thomas Nelson, Children Devotional
  • Sharing God's Love and Joy: 52 Devotional Bible Studies for Senior Adult" - Willa Ruth Garlow, Senior Adult Devotional

Group Publishing

  • "Surprising Devotions for Families" - Family Devotions
  • "Hands-On Bible Devotions for Kids" - Children Devotional
  • "The Jesus Centered Life: 40 Devotions for Teenagers" - Teenage Devotional
  • "99 Thoughts for College-Age People" - Young Adult Devotional
